2009. 1. 13. 13:35
A(HK): Hello
B(Richard); Hi HK, This is Richard, How are you?
A; I've been better --> 지금 상태가 안좋아.
B; You sound awful. Did you catch the flu or something?
A; A nasty one, I am afraid. I haven't felt this miserable (in) years.
B; Sorry to hear that. How bad is it?
A; I couldn't even get out of bad yeasterday, because I had a high fever, my temperature droped (a) little this morning (though).
B; Oh my, You also seem to have a (stuffy) nose. --> 코막히고
A; I know I have a (runny) nose and I have been sneezing all day. My throat is also very itchy and sore from too much coughing. --> 콧물나고 기침나고, 하도 기침해서 목도 간지럽고 쓰라리고
B; (Good lord), that sounds pretty bad. Have you been to the doctor?
A; Oh yes, my doctor just told me to take (a few days off and rest).
B; I think you should do that, too. Is there anything I can do for you?
A; Oh no but thanks for asking, hey listen, I'm going to hang out now, because I can bare hold the phone. My body aches all over.
B: Okay I'll let you go. I hope you feel better soon.
A; Thanks Be careful you don't come down with something yourself Rechard
B; Will do. Talk to you later, HK, Take care.
* I've been better.
지금 상태가 별로 안 좋아.
= I don't feel well.
= I'm not feeling well.
= I'm sick.