Define the (characteristics) (of) a successful manager.
A successful manager should have the vision and capability to (fomulate) strategies. Communitate (these) strategies to his/her team members, in an effort to attain verious goals and objectives. In addition to serving as (a) possitive role model for co-workers, successful managers must also be a role model to their (subordinates). They should be capable of inspiring them to recognize, develope and apply their telent(s) to their utmost potential to reach (a) common goal. These are the trait(s) I hope to demonstrate when I am a manager.
1 <계급·지위가> (…보다) 하급의, 하위의 《to》
2 중요도가 낮은, 부차[보조]적인
3 (상위자의) 지배하에 있는, 부하의, 하급자의 《to》
4 아첨하는, 비굴한
5 (…에) 의존적[부수적]인 《to》