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'운트영'에 해당되는 글 7건
2009. 2. 25. 16:07

Day 3 Besiness Speech - Presentation

All right! Let's get the ball rolling. I am going to be on slide No2. Here you can see our existing core competencies. (As) some of you already know, (these include) telecommunicaions and tourism, Telecommunications and tourism have bought about economic benefits to the local community as well.
First, those areas have helped to (diversify) and stablize economy. Telecommunications have become the core business of the 21c with rising investment oppotunities. This (has let to) creating local jobs and business oppotunities. The tourism industry has brought new money into the local economic, creating economic (multipliers) and many other indirect (effects) on boosting up the economy. What we have recently developed is a system that oversees our core industies and the (a) reliable management team that can facilitate economic benefit further.

  • multiplier 증가시키는 사람(것)
  • boost up 증진하다, 높이다
  • oversee 감독하다
  • * All right, let's get the ball rolling.  자 그럼 시작해 보죠.

     Let's get this meeting under way. 회의를 시작해보죠
    We should get this show on the road. 시작해 봅시다
    We should really get going on this project. 이 프로젝트를 빨리 시작해야 합니다.


    2009. 2. 23. 10:02

    Define the (characteristics) (of) a successful manager.

    A successful manager should have the vision and capability to (fomulate) strategies. Communitate (these) strategies to his/her team members, in an effort to attain verious goals and objectives.  In addition to serving as (a) possitive role model for co-workers, successful managers must also be a role model to their (subordinates). They should be capable of inspiring them to recognize, develope and apply their telent(s) to their utmost potential to reach (a) common goal. These are the trait(s) I hope to demonstrate when I am a manager.


    1 <계급·지위가> (…보다) 하급의, 하위의 《to》
    2 중요도가 낮은, 부차[보조]적인
    3 (상위자의) 지배하에 있는, 부하의, 하급자의 《to》
    4 아첨하는, 비굴한
    5 (…에) 의존적[부수적]인 《to》

    2009. 2. 19. 13:17
    A company using Nano technology has developed (a) paint that will block cell phone calls (so) people (in) theaters once the concert starts, can't make or receive phone calls. Your reaction to this? 

    I think it's great, I mean, I would even think driving. We have bluetooth technology now, and we have these things laser wireless sunglasses. We have the ability to talk, hands free while driving. I go to movies and it's (irritating) if a cell phone goes off. So look, we've lived (our lives) making phone calls and I think we can, we have to watch the social interaction with some of this technology.
    So I am a big believer (in) you've got to seperate (the two).
    When I go to a restaurant or go to a movie. I want to enjoy the experience.

    So you get as (annoyed) as the rest of (us) even, Oh great, it's encouraging.

    Sure I turn it off.

    * go off
    2009. 2. 12. 22:08

    February 7, Day3

    Business Speech - Negociation

    A: Firstly the over time pay, now (that) the shop (will be) open on sundays, for (an) extra 2hours every saturday, and (the) holiday season begins not long after the induction of (the) new contracts.
    The staffs is (aware that) they will have to work overtime to cover absences and (so forth).
    However, they are concerned that (at) the rate it is now.
    The company is going to call on full time staffs more and more to work the overtime rather than get the part time and (floating) staffs doing it.
    As (it) will be much cheaper to call on the full timers, they feel that if this is going to be the case, the time is worth more than (a mere)10% more an hour. 

    B: How much do they think their time is worth?
    A: They think that overtime pay should be an additional 50% of their hourly rate.

    B: But that is out of question! they get that rate for working public holidays.

    * and so forth
    * floating staffs
    * mere

    2009. 1. 30. 11:03
    Korea, China and Japan agreed yesterday to consider exp(a)nding (bilateral) currency swap contracts. They hope to (jointly) cope with the ongoing global financial crisis. After (a) meeting on the sidelines (of the) group of 20 summit in Washington, Korea's finance ministry announced (theat) ministers at the 3 (east asian) countries reached a (consensus) to step up cooporation in the financial sector. Asia faces challengies including slower economic growth, had financial market (fluctuation). Finance ministers from 13 asian nations agreed in May, to create a pool of at least 80billian dollars in foreign exchange reserves to protect thier own currencies. It was a deal that allows countries to lend each other money at favorable terms (if) help (is) needed to stabilize exchange rate(s). 
    * at favorable terms 유리한 조건으로 
    foreign exchange reserve 외환 보유 
    reach a consensus 합의를 이루다 
    fluctuation 동요, 변동, 오르내림
    bilateral 쌍방의 
    2009. 1. 28. 23:28

    Wrapping up a negociation (Track 24)

    A; well, ur proposal is (plausible), and we are prepared to consider it, however in order for us to accept it, we need to ask if you can accept some additional conditions.
    B; Well, that's a good srat! what are the conditions first?
    A; Well, (to) start with, we need to know what kind of flexibility surounds your (proposed price). (Will it be open to adjustments to coincide with any variations in terms of currency fluctuations?) We don't want to find (ourselves in a) situation where we're loosing money as a result of the exchange rate.
    B; That's understandable, we face simular problems. how about if we consider hadging our risks against both correncies.
    A; Yes, we can accept that.
    B; Okay, then we'll look (into) getting that aspect organized
    A; Great, well, I feel that we('ve) made good progress here.

    A; 음, 그쪽의 제안은 현실성이 있고 진지하게 고려하고 있습니다만, 몇 가지 추가적인 항목을 좀 추가할 필요가 있을 것 같군요.
    B; 시작이 좋네요, 어떤 조항인지 먼저 알려주실래요?
    A; 우리는 그쪽의 제안가에 유동성이 있는지 알고자 합니다.  환율변동과 같은 문제에 따라 조정이 가능한가요? 우리는 환율로 인한 현금손실을 보고 싶지는 않습니다.
    B; 이해할만합니다. 저희도 여러 비슷한 문제를 겪고 있습니다. 만약 우리가 양쪽 통화에 대한 환헤지(위험에 대한 대비책)를 적용하면 어떨까요?
    A; 네 좋습니다.
    B; 네 그럼 그쪽으로 안을 마련해 보겠습니다.
    A; 좋습니다. 제 생각에 여기서 좋은 성과를 낸것 같습니다.  

    * Coincide with : ~와 일치하다.
    * fluctuation: 동요, 요동
    * variation: 변화, 변동
    * plausible: 가능성있는, 현실가능한

    2009. 1. 27. 14:09
    Just 2months after celebrating its (centennial), GM is facing a (grim) future. It may not servive to see another year unless it is rescued by (a) bailout from (the) US gorvenment. Shares in GM sank to the lowest point in 65years, to $2.92 on November 11. The company disclosed in a federal filing that it might (run out of) money by the end of year. The extent (of the) financing crisis at GM is proving to be far (worse) than investors, and analysts, had expected. 
    Industry analysts say only (an) emergency government bailout can save GM from bankrupty. The GM chairman, say the company could not wait for aid that might come when OBAMA took office in January. The (inability) of GM to raise cash, other than from government loans, (would forth) another, deeper round (of) restructuring. 

    * centennial: 100년째의, 100주년의
    * grim: 엄한, 엄격한, 암담한
    * extent: 정도
    * disclose: 드러내다, 밝히다.

    100주년식 후 단 2달 뒤, GM은 암담한 미래를 맞닥드리게 됬다. 만약 미국정부의 구제가 없다면 다음해 살아나기가 쉽지않을 것이다. GM주가는 65년 동안 가장 크게 떨어졌고, 11월 11일에는 2.92달라가 되었다. 회사는 연방구제신청서에서 올해 말이면 자금이 바닥날것이라 밝혔다. 이 금융위기의 정도는 투자자,분석가의 예상보다 훨씬 안좋다. 산업분석들은 정부의 긴급재정지원이 GM의 파산을 막는 유일한 방법이라고 말했다. GM 회장은 오바마의 취임때까지 정부의 지원을 기다릴 수는 없다고 했다. 정부의 loan보다 GM의 현금유동성의 불가능한 점이 더 심각한 재조정을 필요로 할 것이다.
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