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2009. 2. 24. 10:28
House Passed Obama's Stimulus Package

I am brian Thomas. By vote of 244 to 188 the house, wednesday passed President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan. But it (garnered) not one (R)epublican vote. (A)nd eleven democrats more than half of them from (the) South, vote(d) (nay). But congress man James Clybern of South Carolina voted yes, rejecting a (rival) republican plan. 
"It tell us that only tax cuts can (cure) this (recession). (But) Mrs, speaker (What) good is a  taxcut when you dont have job".
The bill now goes to (the Senate where a broader bill awaits it), one that has more taxcut(s) (attached) to it.

* (the) House - (the) Senate
* garner
* republican - democrats
* nay
* recession
* the Senate where a broader bill