Of course befor it was New York, it was New Amsterdam.
And Wednesday, the Mayor of Amsterdam in (the Netherlands) joined Mayor Micheal Bloomberg (at) Battery Partk. Bloomberg said 'All newyorkers have a little bit (of) dutch (in them), you know.'
Asian Markets Up After Passage of US Stimulus Package
Asian markets roared (to life in) Thursday trading after the stimulus bill was passed in Washington.
In Japan, the Nikei was up nearly 2% and in Hongkongm, the Hangseng was up (by) nearly 4.5%. Brian Thomas AP news.
In a surprising turnabout, illinois governer Rod Blagojevich now wants to make a closing statement at his impeachment trial after boycutting it. Here's Mike Gracia.
The request from Blagojevich was relyed to state senators by sent it to president John Collin yesterday.
By making a closing statement instead of testifying under oath, Goyavich avoids being questions by senetors and the impeachment prosecurer. Prosecution rested its case Wednesday.
If convicted Goyavich could be remove from office within days.
* turnout
* make a closing statement
* impeachment trial
* relay
* testify under oath
* prosecutor
* rested its case
* foreclosure : 저당권 상실, 차압
* correspondent (발음유의) : =reporter
* the majority of (발음유의)
I am brian Thomas. By vote of 244 to 188 the house, wednesday passed President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan. But it (garnered) not one (R)epublican vote. (A)nd eleven democrats more than half of them from (the) South, vote(d) (nay). But congress man James Clybern of South Carolina voted yes, rejecting a (rival) republican plan.
"It tell us that only tax cuts can (cure) this (recession). (But) Mrs, speaker (What) good is a taxcut when you dont have job".
The bill now goes to (the Senate where a broader bill awaits it), one that has more taxcut(s) (attached) to it.
* (the) House - (the) Senate
* garner
* republican - democrats
* nay
* recession
* the Senate where a broader bill
Meanwhile in Dallas,it's been (learned) the man who shot (at) people during rush hour on Monday (is former state trooper) in Utah, (identifed as) Brian Smith.
Sergeant Jeff (Niber in Salt Lake City who worked with him at) one point says (substance abuse ruined) his police career.
"(It's just ,, , in all honesty.. a real) shocker for (us here at the Utah Highwat Patrol).. I knew Brian personally and he was a very good person when I knew him um he was very well respected (within) his department."
Smith reportedly shot himself after this (a) standoff with police is in critical condition.
해석/해설 Laura Bush stands up for her man and his legacy. The First Lady says George W. Bush will not be remembered for a failed presidency. “So I don’t really feel like I need to respond to people that view it that way, and I think history will judge and we’ll . . . we’ll see later.” She was on Fox News Sunday, saying her husband stood firm on Iraq partly because he didn’t want Americans to think their loved ones had died in vain. “He didn’t want us to lose. He didn’t want us to give up on Iraq.” Mrs. Bush also points to the legacy of her husband’s social work against HIV and AIDS in Africa. “Over two million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are on anti-retrovirals because of his policy of, uh, uh, trying to save people from disease as well as from tyranny.” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice took a similar view on CBS. She says generations pretty soon are going to start to thank this president for what he’s done. She says the Bush administration has reformed foreign governments. |