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2009. 2. 25. 16:07

Day 3 Besiness Speech - Presentation

All right! Let's get the ball rolling. I am going to be on slide No2. Here you can see our existing core competencies. (As) some of you already know, (these include) telecommunicaions and tourism, Telecommunications and tourism have bought about economic benefits to the local community as well.
First, those areas have helped to (diversify) and stablize economy. Telecommunications have become the core business of the 21c with rising investment oppotunities. This (has let to) creating local jobs and business oppotunities. The tourism industry has brought new money into the local economic, creating economic (multipliers) and many other indirect (effects) on boosting up the economy. What we have recently developed is a system that oversees our core industies and the (a) reliable management team that can facilitate economic benefit further.

  • multiplier 증가시키는 사람(것)
  • boost up 증진하다, 높이다
  • oversee 감독하다
  • * All right, let's get the ball rolling.  자 그럼 시작해 보죠.

     Let's get this meeting under way. 회의를 시작해보죠
    We should get this show on the road. 시작해 봅시다
    We should really get going on this project. 이 프로젝트를 빨리 시작해야 합니다.


    2009. 2. 24. 10:28
    House Passed Obama's Stimulus Package

    I am brian Thomas. By vote of 244 to 188 the house, wednesday passed President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan. But it (garnered) not one (R)epublican vote. (A)nd eleven democrats more than half of them from (the) South, vote(d) (nay). But congress man James Clybern of South Carolina voted yes, rejecting a (rival) republican plan. 
    "It tell us that only tax cuts can (cure) this (recession). (But) Mrs, speaker (What) good is a  taxcut when you dont have job".
    The bill now goes to (the Senate where a broader bill awaits it), one that has more taxcut(s) (attached) to it.

    * (the) House - (the) Senate
    * garner
    * republican - democrats
    * nay
    * recession
    * the Senate where a broader bill
    2009. 2. 23. 10:02

    Define the (characteristics) (of) a successful manager.

    A successful manager should have the vision and capability to (fomulate) strategies. Communitate (these) strategies to his/her team members, in an effort to attain verious goals and objectives.  In addition to serving as (a) possitive role model for co-workers, successful managers must also be a role model to their (subordinates). They should be capable of inspiring them to recognize, develope and apply their telent(s) to their utmost potential to reach (a) common goal. These are the trait(s) I hope to demonstrate when I am a manager.


    1 <계급·지위가> (…보다) 하급의, 하위의 《to》
    2 중요도가 낮은, 부차[보조]적인
    3 (상위자의) 지배하에 있는, 부하의, 하급자의 《to》
    4 아첨하는, 비굴한
    5 (…에) 의존적[부수적]인 《to》

    2009. 2. 19. 13:17
    A company using Nano technology has developed (a) paint that will block cell phone calls (so) people (in) theaters once the concert starts, can't make or receive phone calls. Your reaction to this? 

    I think it's great, I mean, I would even think driving. We have bluetooth technology now, and we have these things laser wireless sunglasses. We have the ability to talk, hands free while driving. I go to movies and it's (irritating) if a cell phone goes off. So look, we've lived (our lives) making phone calls and I think we can, we have to watch the social interaction with some of this technology.
    So I am a big believer (in) you've got to seperate (the two).
    When I go to a restaurant or go to a movie. I want to enjoy the experience.

    So you get as (annoyed) as the rest of (us) even, Oh great, it's encouraging.

    Sure I turn it off.

    * go off
    2009. 2. 15. 21:04
    A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch TV, the more likely they are to develop depression as young (adults). But the extent to which TV may or may not (be) to blame is a question that the study leaves unanswer(ed). The researchers used a national long term suvey of (adolescent health) to investigate the relationship between media use and depression. They based their foundings on more than 4000 (adolescents) who were not depressed when the survey began in 1995. As part of the suvey, the young people were asked how much hours of TV or vedio they watch(ed) daily. They also were asked how often they play(ed) computer games and listen(ed) to the radio. Media use total(ed) (an) average of 5 and 1half hour(s) a day, more than 2hours of that were spent watching TV. 7 years later,in 2002, more than 7% of the young people, had signs of depression. The average age at that time was 21. Brian Primack at the University of (Pittsburgh) medical school was the lead (author) of the new study. He says every extra hour of TV meant an 8 % increase in the chances of developing signs of depression.
    The researchers say they did not find any such relationship with use of other media such as movies, video games, or radio. But the study did find that young men were more likly than young women to develop  depression given the same amount of media use.
    Doctor Primack says the study did not explore if watching TV causes depression. But one possibility he says is that it (may) take time away from activities that could help prevent depression, like sports and (socializing). It (might) also interfere with sleep, he says, (and) that could have (an influence).
    The study just published in the (Archives of General Psychatry).
    In December, the journal social indicaters research, published (a) study of activities that help (lead) to help happy lives.

    * adolescent  /아더레쓰ㄴ트/
    L 「(어른으로) 성장하다」 에서〕 a.
    1 청춘[청년]기의, 청춘
    2 한창 젊은;《구어숙한, 불안정
    n. 청춘기사람, 젊은이(cf. CHILD, ADULT)
    adolescent·ly ad.