The nation’s capital is girding for huge crowds for the
presidential inauguration next month.
미국의 수도가 다음달로
예정된 대통령 취임식 행사를 보기 위해 몰려들 대규모 인파에 대비하고 있습니다.
gird 대비하다
● presidential
inauguration 대통령 취임식
Mayor Adrian Fenty says he doesn’t have a number, but he’s
expecting a record crowd.
워싱턴DC의 애드리안 펜티 시장은 얼마나
많은 사람들이 올지는 모르지만 사상 최고의 인파를 예상하고 있다고 밝혔습니다.
The estimate is as many as three million could be coming
to town to see Barack Obama take the oath of office.
버락 오바마 대통령의 취임 선서를 보기 위해 많으면 3백만 명의 인파가 올 것으로 추정되고 있습니다.
● take the oath/오뜨으/ of office 취임 선서를 하다
Among the options being looked at is closing a major
freeway to make room for tour bus parking.
주차공간을 마련하기 위해 주요 고속도로를 폐쇄하는 것도 고려되고 있는 방안 중 하나입니다.
It would mean closing two bridges between Virginia and DC.
이는 버지니아주와 워싱턴 DC를 잇는 두 다리를 폐쇄하는 것을 의미합니다.
The mayor also signed a law allowing bars and restaurants
to stay open 24 hours during inauguration week, and to serve alcohol until four
in the morning.
펜티 시장은 취임식이 열리는 주에 1주일간 바와 레스토랑들이
24시간 영업을 하고 새벽 4시까지 알코올 음료를 판매할 수 있도록 허용하는 법안에 서명했습니다.
End-of-the-year parties are huge part of how koreans wrap up the year. Nearly every korean company holds on of these extravaganzas. Companies use these occasions to thank there employees for their work during the past year, and to try to motivate them to work harder the coming year. At these events, the employees can enjoy good food and drinks on the company dime. The company parties usually begin with speeches and toasts. Some even have games, and give away raffle prizes. Koreans also have year-end parties with close friends and acquaintances. Many school reunions are in fact held at this time of year. An average korean worker may have to attend three or four of this parties. Regardless of whom you have these parties with, you can always count on one thing; a lot of people will get drunk!
1. End-of-the-year parties are huge part of how koreans wrap up the year.
2. The employees can enjoy good food and drinks on the company dime.
3. Koreans also have year-end parties with close friends and acquaintances.
4. Many school reunions are in fact held at this time of year.
5. You can always count on one thing; a lot of people will get drunk!
ex) You told me that I can always count on one thing.
Can I count on you for this? - 믿다, 잊지말아야 할 것 -