Wrapping up a negociation (Track 24)
A; well, ur proposal is (plausible), and we are prepared to consider it, however in order for us to accept it, we need to ask if you can accept some additional conditions.
B; Well, that's a good srat! what are the conditions first?
A; Well, (to) start with, we need to know what kind of flexibility surounds your (proposed price). (Will it be open to adjustments to coincide with any variations in terms of currency fluctuations?) We don't want to find (ourselves in a) situation where we're loosing money as a result of the exchange rate.
B; That's understandable, we face simular problems. how about if we consider hadging our risks against both correncies.
A; Yes, we can accept that.
B; Okay, then we'll look (into) getting that aspect organized
A; Great, well, I feel that we('ve) made good progress here.
A; 음, 그쪽의 제안은 현실성이 있고 진지하게 고려하고 있습니다만, 몇 가지 추가적인 항목을 좀 추가할 필요가 있을 것 같군요.
B; 시작이 좋네요, 어떤 조항인지 먼저 알려주실래요?
A; 우리는 그쪽의 제안가에 유동성이 있는지 알고자 합니다. 환율변동과 같은 문제에 따라 조정이 가능한가요? 우리는 환율로 인한 현금손실을 보고 싶지는 않습니다.
B; 이해할만합니다. 저희도 여러 비슷한 문제를 겪고 있습니다. 만약 우리가 양쪽 통화에 대한 환헤지(위험에 대한 대비책)를 적용하면 어떨까요?
A; 네 좋습니다.
B; 네 그럼 그쪽으로 안을 마련해 보겠습니다.
A; 좋습니다. 제 생각에 여기서 좋은 성과를 낸것 같습니다.
* Coincide with : ~와 일치하다.
* fluctuation: 동요, 요동
* variation: 변화, 변동
* plausible: 가능성있는, 현실가능한
Describe about a breakupyou had with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
One of the most painful breakups I had in my lif was the one I had during my military service. There was a girl I was dating (and she) was perhaps the first person I ever loved in my life. Naturally, she and I cried a lot when the day came (for me) to join the military. She came to see me quite often (in) the first few months of my service but (as time went by) she (started to distance hersele from me). She didn't return my calls, and seemed less happy when I called her. And finally one day, she said she wanted to break-up over the phone. She said she felt so lonely, couldn't take it anymore. I was absolutely heartbroken (as) there was nothing I could do. I found out later on (that) she started going out with another guy. Still it took me over a year to get over her.
Expression of the day
That's what I am talking about!
Explain about the serious news of Bullying at schools.
Bullying is a serious problem in korean schools. Bullies (harass) their victims in various way. They sometimes (inflict) physical harm or simply make victims feel (alienated). Some often ask for money from their victims and make them engage (in) embarassing acts. Students who are bullied go through (enomous amounts of) psychological pain in (humiliation). In many cases, it is impossible for them to maintain a nomal school life. Some go as far as to take their own lives due to stress they get from bullies. I think there needs to be stronger efforts made by schools, parents, gorvenments to deal with dullying. (Instead) of simply punishing the bullies, it would be (wise) to put in place measure to prevent bullying in the first place.
harass [미] [hərǽs, hǽrəs]
- 괴롭히다, 귀찮게 굴다, 지긋지긋하게 굴다 (worry)
I was harassed with those debts. 나는 그러한 빚 때문에 골치가 아팠다. - 【군사】 〈적을〉 (쉴새 없이 공격하여) 괴롭히다
the frontier harassed by hostile Indians 적의를 품은 인디언의 침공에 시달리는 국경 지역
"He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"; "This man harasses his female co-workers"
v. harry :〈도시 등을〉 약탈하다 (despoil) ;침략하다, 유린하다
괴롭히다;귀찮게 요구하다 《for》
- 〈벌 등을〉 주다, 과하다 《on》
《inflict+목+전+명》 inflict punishment[loss] on a person …을 벌하다 […에게 손해를 주다] - 〈싫은 것을〉 짊어지우다, 과하다;괴롭히다
《inflict+목+전+명》 inflict one’s views on[upon] others 자기 의견을 남에게 강요하다 - 〈구타·상처 등을〉 가하다 [입히다] 《on, upon》
《inflict+목+전+명》 inflict a blow on[upon] a person …에게 일격을 가하다
humiliation : 굴욕 창피
Interview Q) Pick 3words that describe you the best and explain why.
Well, I would say (the) 3 words that describe (me) the best are passionate, create and healthy.
Fist, I am very passinate (about) whatever I do. I am eager to try new things all the time so I am always highly motivated to learn. Next, I consider myself a creative person because I am quite good at coming (up with) new ideas. I like to think outside (the) box as much as I can. Last of all, I am a very healthy person. I always watch what I eat and work out on a regular basis. But when I say healthy, I am not just talking about physical health. I think I am a person who has a healthy mind-set too. I value hard work (and) always try to do (the) right thing when I (encounter) problems.
* Expession of the day: It doesn't hurt to try. 해봐서 나쁠거 없잖아.
해석/해설 Laura Bush stands up for her man and his legacy. The First Lady says George W. Bush will not be remembered for a failed presidency. “So I don’t really feel like I need to respond to people that view it that way, and I think history will judge and we’ll . . . we’ll see later.” She was on Fox News Sunday, saying her husband stood firm on Iraq partly because he didn’t want Americans to think their loved ones had died in vain. “He didn’t want us to lose. He didn’t want us to give up on Iraq.” Mrs. Bush also points to the legacy of her husband’s social work against HIV and AIDS in Africa. “Over two million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are on anti-retrovirals because of his policy of, uh, uh, trying to save people from disease as well as from tyranny.” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice took a similar view on CBS. She says generations pretty soon are going to start to thank this president for what he’s done. She says the Bush administration has reformed foreign governments. |
* I've been better.
지금 상태가 별로 안 좋아.
= I don't feel well.
= I'm not feeling well.
= I'm sick.